Latest Episodes

Reflections on the Coronavirus pandemic and racism in the US - S3E18
Jhordan Price, a junior at Propel Andrew Street, with reflections on the Coronavirus pandemic and police brutality against people of color, and students around...

Re-Release: Role models, original live music, and a plastic pollution on aquatic life - S3E17
From our archives, Pittsburgh Public School teens talk about role models, Melina Bowser performs an original song from the 2019 Teen Invasion at the...

An original essay and poem about the COVID-19 pandemic - S3E16
Roman Gray, a 6th grader at Pittsburgh Sci-Tech with an essay on human and animal relationships and Ali, an 8th grader at Harrison Middle...

Original essay, music, and youth thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic - S3E15
Mariska, a 6th grader at Pittsburgh Sci-Tech, with an essay on human and animal relationships, youth band, Self-Seriousness, with an original song entitled, Sleepy...

Original music, poetry, and an essay on the relationship between people and animals - S3E14
Self-seriousness with a song entitled, Chaotic, students from Pittsburgh Public School's Summer Dreamers Academy with original poetry, and Pittsburgh Sci-Tech 6th grader, Kennedy Gilliard,...

Poems about civil rights activists, summer days, and grandparents - S3E13
Students at Manchester Academic Charter School with poems on civil rights activists, Pittsburgh Public Schools students share poems they had written about summer, and...